You’re living
I felt my ankle break
So I could feel your ankle break
But broken ankles are not wounded hearts
they are bloody
and messy
and belong in a box
that’s locked
and pushed all the way back
to the blackest part of my under bed
yet it pounds like Jumanji
whenever you’re near
but rather than listen
I lash out in fear
How dare you, my ankle screams
Pain is pain is pain
Mine, yours, theirs
It’s the same
I remedied my ankle
with patient respect
Scar tissue takes time
For ankles
and hearts,
They are but the form of our soul’s home
Hold space for that pump in your chest
Let it tremble
Let it choke
Let it fuck up
Let it close off
But god damn it
Just be still and feel
Accept what is, is
Because to allow is to heal
Our brokenness is our wisdom
You’re living