This is a holistic 30 day de-conditioning dieta developed to re-wild your system, so you may discover your inherent trust in nature and embody authentic empowerment that’s rooted in your unique values and Human Design.
Essentially, it’s the Spanish word for diet, and it is typically used in tandem with healing practices particularly in parts of Central + South America.
Nikki Jae will formulate a specific 30-day Dieta for you based off of your Human Design chart and the information you provide in your intake form, which is designed to guide you back home to your soul; to your nature in the most supportive and purposeful way.
The Dieta will incorporate dietary recommendations, elixir and tonic recipes, movement and breath work alongside weekly chart readings and check-ins which will focus on purifying the energies in the areas of your life that most challenge you and prevent you from stepping into your highest self expression.
Such a Dieta will require honest commitment on your part if you’re to experience the benefit of renewal that can happen in less than a month thanks to intentional habit formation.