Your energy IS your power


Following a number of readings I’ve had of late, I’ve noticed an unusual pattern emerging. One rooted in modern day wellness dogma and meaningless buzz words that are disempowering and unsupportive to the individual’s growth.

You are not blocked.

You are not out of your worth (whatever that even means?)

You are not here to pass or fail at life, and your purpose is most definitely immaterial to the wizardry of manifesting material gains. (Seriously though, fuck basing your innate magic on whether or not you “manifested” the latest iPhone or your dream wedding gown.)

Smells to me like spiritual bypass being commoditized en masse. I suppose this sort of pyramid scheming has been happening for generations… I digress.

Our job in this lifetime is to learn how to harmonize our energy and come home to the truth of who and what we are. We do this through the experience of life itself. None of us are ‘unworthy’ of the truth of who and what we, it is always present whether we are conscious of it or not. 

No magic pill, potion or online workshop will ever satisfy the very human desire for instant gain. Transcending the density of our lizard minds with all the struggle, greed and ego is a practice in cultivating awareness of the self and other. It is in doing so that we tread our individual path, express our spirit fully and generate a legacy that inspires the evolution of humanity - likely without us even realizing.

“You have no idea what your legacy will be because your legacy is every life you touch” - Maya Angelou

The Human design body graph reflects back to us our uniqueness by way of revealing our energetic constitution. In other words, it shows us the source of our power. It also explains where we leak our power when we use our energy incorrectly. 

Human Design teaches us how to appropriately direct our energy so that we may experience alignment, optimal health and the greatest potential for happiness, love, satisfaction, peace, success and surprise in this life.

If you’ve noticed there are areas in your world that aren’t flowing in the way you desire, chances are you’re leaking your energy or power in a direction that is less than ideal for your energetic makeup. You’re not broken or unworthy of the flow, you’ve just not yet learned how to wield your power in that area of your life. This is OK. Life (with a bit of support from Human Design) is here to teach us where and how we are depleting our energy and provides us the opportunity to step into our power - our truth.

When you discover your truth, you won’t be looking outside of yourself to fill those voids created by an energetic depletion in the first place. Your unique energetic makeup is your power. 

Understanding my Human Design has been one of the most healing, merciful and empowering experiences I’ve had. It’s my life’s journey, taken step by step and steeped in a knowing that accumulation and the destination are peripheral to my being me.


Befriending your intuition; understanding the Spleen


How strange it is to be a Manifestor