How strange it is to be a Manifestor
The founder of Human Design, Ra Uru Hu affectionately called those with the Manifestor energy type “super slaves” and when a Manifestor is out of whack from their natural flow, it can be so true!
I’ve been that super slave. It’s what led to me burn out year after year, probably since acquiring my first job at 11 (good lord, how’s that for super slavery!?) I was the only kid of a diligent and hard-working single Mumma who happened to be a Generator (For those of you who are #humandesign nerds, I’m sure you can already see the unintentional conditioning that took place here.)
My defined Ego/Heart/Will centre and open Sacral were at war. The amplified sense of “work, work, work” that exists in the Sacral was egged on by my defined Ego - I have consistent access to follow through even if my heart isn’t in it. I could, quite literally, make myself do anything.
It’s correct for the defined Heart to want what it wants and prove itself. But when the open Sacral and open Head centres start to run the show (hello self doubt, perpetual and unsolicited problem-solving and general mental pressure) and your energy is made to INITIATE, it’s a recipe for super slavery.
A few years ago, for the umpteenth time I burned the wick at both ends. Enough was enough. Repeating this pattern was surely sending me to an early grave. Learning about my Human Design gave me permission to back off from all the doing. And with that, I had the chance to heal, integrate and find a sense of energetic equilibrium within myself.
It’s a journey I’ll forever continue, but knowing what energy is and isn’t mine to carry means I’m no longer a super slave to society. It means my Heart has had a chance to rest and heal and it comes alive when it connects to a true want. (Anyone forcing their Will centre to work for them - defined or not - outside of the rhythm which is correct for it ought to be careful, because it needs rest. Without it, you are quite literally compromising your heart health.)
I’m learning that this world we live in isn’t made for Manifestors. The “rules” around working, eating, sleeping, output, contribution, dating, fulfillment, spirituality aren’t necessarily in alignment for us folks with this energy type, (some 8-9% of the human population).
A happy Manifestor is a peaceful Manifestor; in control of their time, doing as they please when they please, being left alone to marinate in their weird and wonderful process while at the mercy of the Divine impulses that inspire them into a tidal wave of action. Once they’ve crashed on the shore, it’s correct for them to retreat in peace.
As someone with this energy type who’s lived it both correctly and incorrectly, I know what it is to stagnate in procrastination and analysis paralysis, I am familiar with rejection on a deep and visceral level and I understand I have the capacity to start a blaze! The difference between it becoming a tragic wildfire or an enchanting campfire is my intention. And then it’s out of my control. What will become of that match flick, I wonder?
Therefore, I tune in daily to my intentions. I honour my strategy (emotional) and act from a place of clear non-attachment in the hopes my impact adds meaning and value.
I’m beginning to be okay with wanting what I want and I’m learning that, I wield the power to make it happen. This doesn’t always mean It works - after all, the spontaneous impulse of the Universe ultimately dictates the outcome of all things, and that is the point at which I surrender. It’s a peaceful place to be.